Emergency Exit Lights
Emergency Exit Lights
Emergency Exit Lights are a vital part of the safety and security of any property. Emergency exit lights are designed to guide people to safety during an emergency by helping them find and escape along predetermined emergency exit routes.
Emergency exit lights are part of a stand-alone system, which means they will remain lit during a power failure. Emergency exit light signs contain directional arrows indicating the way out of a building.
Teknoware offers a comprehensive range of emergency exit lights, suitable for virtually any location. The range includes, for example, robust emergency exit lights designed for demanding environments (such as subways and metro tunnels), and high performance emergency exit lights that are designed to be visible from distances of up to 120 metres.
By using the latest LED technology, Teknoware has been able to design emergency exit lights that not only meet the high standards set for them, but also look stylish and discreet. Examples of our design capabilities include an emergency exit light with a silvery metal frame, and a recessed emergency exit light that leaves only a thin glassy light plate visible.

A self-contained or centrally supplied system?
Teknoware’s range of products includes both self-contained and centrally supplied emergency exit lights, as well as remote monitoring systems.
Self-contained emergency exit lights with their own backup power supply are easy to install in smaller properties. By combining LED technology, supercapacitors, and wireless monitoring, even large complex emergency exit lighting systems can be implemented. The use of such innovative technological solutions makes it possible to employ high performance modern emergency exit lights in large renovation projects without the need for additional cabling.
Centrally supplied emergency exit lights require a central battery unit. These systems can vary from relatively small systems containing just a single central battery unit without any additional features, to large addressable central battery systems with remote monitoring, automatic testing, and a wide range of other optional features.
Further information and downloads
Browse our website or catalogue for emergency lighting solutions or download our Design Guide for Emergency Lighting Systems. For more detailed product information, please search our product database.

Made in Finland
We pride ourselves on delivering sustainable, cost-effective solutions for emergency lighting in buildings, ships, tunnels and other challenging environments. Teknoware emergency luminaires are designed and manufactured in our own factory in Lahti, Finland, and tested to ensure that they meet strict requirements and high quality standards set for emergency lighting fixtures.

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