Teknoware is the best updater of product data among emergency lighting companies
We have reached the number one position again in the STK list of emergency lighting companies. The Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK) listed this year’s top 100 suppliers of electrotechnical products in September 2019. The STK register – sahkonumerot.fi – includes nearly 500 products from different companies. There are 250,000 “active products”. In addion, we ranked eighth on the list of suppliers of all electrotechnical products (for suppliers with over 1000 but fewer than 10,000 product numbers), which is also a good position.
The Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK) is the association of electrical wholesalers, manufacturers and importers. The association promotes the competitiveness of its members and the total supply chain by providing information services and by contributing actively to the development of the electrical branch in Finland.
Maintaining the register is the manufacturer’s responsibility
The electrical industry in Finland has a unique system – a product is identified using the same code in all IT-systems throughout the supply chain. These common product codes – named sähkönumero (electrical number) – are maintained by STK. The register – sahkonumerot.fi – includes, in addition to the product codes, a lot of product information which can be browsed free of charge. Electrical designers, contractors and the webshop customers of electrical wholesalers can find Sahkonumerot.fi product sheets directly with only few clicks in their web browser. It is the supplier’s responsibility to fill in the product codes and product information on a product-by-product basis.
It is essential that the information is filled in correctly, as a lack of technical information makes it difficult to search for products in the Sähkönumerot.fi register and from online wholesale stores. For this reason, it is worthwhile for companies to invest in maintaining the information and optimize their customer service. (Source: stkliitto.fi)
Contact us
If you want to learn more, Teknoware’s emergency lighting sales is happy to help and provide more information. Please contact emexit@teknoware.com to hear more details of our offering.
Products and Solutions for Emergency Lighting